The Resort Village of Chitek Lake Council fulfills the legislative function of the Resort Village municipal government. The Council is responsible for establishing corporate policy and setting the strategic priority of the Resort Village staff and tax payers for both short and long term goals.
The Village Office is located at 219 Pine Street.
Office hours for the Village Office and Post Office are Tuesday to Thursday from 9:00 am-12:00 pm and 1:00 pm-4:00 pm. Friday 9:00 am-12:00 pm and 1:00 pm-3:00 pm.
Excluding Statutory holidays.
Mayor & Council
View information on the Mayor and the Council of the Resort Village of Chitek Lake.
Agendas & Minutes
Find documents such as agendas and minutes.
Bylaw & Permit Information
Access information about the Resort Village of Chitek Lake's bylaws & permits.
Budget & Financial Statements
View current and past budgets and Financial Statements for the Village.
Real Estate
Find information on existing residential and commercial properties for sale.
View information relating to your residential & commercial taxes such as mill rates and instructions on how to pay your taxes in office or online.
Committees, Clubs & Boards
See information related to the various boards and commissions, representing a full range of diversity in the Resort Village of Chitek Lake.
See information regarding the pandemic.